Ice Swimmer Erkki

The documentary tells about the preparation of Erkki Makkonen, a 93-year-old second world war veteran from Savonranta and his ice-swimming World Championship trip to Siberia.

During his life, Erkki has only visited Russia once before, in 1943.

"Back then we went there with a gun under our arms, now we go with swimming trunks", Erkki sums up the philosophy of his trip.

The documentary follows Erkki's travel preparations in the sleepy, rural village of Savonranta. Erkki is a familiar sight in the rapids pond in the center of the village, where he wonders around every day with his walker to keep himself in the race condition. This eight-time, reigning world champion looks to tomorrow with confidence: "Even though times are tough in Finland now, we will manage and rise. I look forward to the future! Next, I could try mountain climbing," he summarizes his future goals.

The film is a story about the adventure, the curiosity and beauty of life. And a little about women and love too.

Ice-swimming World Championship competitions were held in March 2016 in Siberia
in Tyumen. The average temperature of the locality in winter is -32 °.

Paola Suhonen and Pirjo Suhonen
Duration 62 minutes, 2018

(Paola and Pirjo Suhonen's family is from Savonranta, and while making the documentary they found out that Erkki is also related to them.)

Please see the Trailer here